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I started my professional career as a freelance journalist on National Danish Radio in 1987. I had lots of assignments and I quickly turned into what you could call a “permanently employed freelancer”. After that I became a regular employee and worked for 20 years with communication and marketing in various companies. But in June 2017 I decided to become a freelancer again.

Why swap your monthly paycheck and a somewhat secure employment with the insecurity of being a freelancer?

Among my personal reasons were:

  • I wanted to get my job satisfaction back
  • I firmly believe that I have something unique to offer
  • I have a strong wish to help more companies with their communication and marketing
  • I wanted to do varied tasks
  • And finally, I chose to become a freelancer, because I see the trend in the future job market…

Accenture writes about the “Liquid Workforce” in their Technology Vision 2016” and quotes a report from Intuit Forecasts saying that 43% of the US workforce will be freelancers in 2020.

I see the same trend in Denmark (where I am based) and in other parts of the world. In Denmark, we have companies like Proteams and Worksome, gathering freelancers and competencies in online databases, matching freelancers and enployees. There you can find someone to handle the job you do not have a full-time employee to do.

Here are 10 benefits for you as an employee of hiring a freelancer:

  1. You’re hiring a dedicated person who will do everything to solve the job excellently
  2. You’re hiring a specialist to do the exact job you need done
  3. A freelancer will often be very creative in solving the job
  4. A freelancer will use the time needed to acquaint herself with the job
  5. A freelancer will use a lot of energy to put herself in your and your customer’s shoes
  6. You can get the job done anywhere (the freelancer will gladly come to you if geography permits)
  7. You can get the job done whenever (the freelancer will work hard to deliver the job on time)
  8. If the task is more comprehensive, rest assure that the freelancer will collaborate with others (freelancers) to get the job done
  9. A freelancer gets better and better as experiences increase
  10. A freelancer is usualy a happy and content person, who chose to become a freelancer

How do you choose the right freelancer for the job?

The same way as if you were hiring a full-time person. Ask your network if they know any skilled, dedicated freelancers. Check the freelancer’s references, both on LinkedIn and on their website.

Good luck in finding a skilled freelancer for your next job!

www.hallkom.com is owned by podcast producer Anette Hallstrom. I produce and edit podcasts for several customers and also have my own podcast in Danish – Historier fra Coronaland.